Fish don’t see water
We’ve had fun with our Dutch relatives this summer. When Jane married Dennis, he came with – his family!
Dad Adrian and Mom Nettie have been over here for a month. Just gone home with a bucket list full of check marks.
The natural attractions they craved [and expected!] were produced . They wanted:
– grizzly bear [preferably in the act of river fishing for salmon!]
– eagles
– whales
– moose
We tried to downscale their expectations. “I haven’t seen a grizzly in years!” But they wouldn’t hear of it. And they were right! They got them all not counting the bear caught fishing. But they did get the bear!
And then some. The T’su T’ina pow wow and rodeo was a double hit. What was unexpected fun was seeing our country through their eyes.
And they showed us some surprising aspects.
Ad wanted to lodge some pictures on his shared drive in Netherlands. He sat at my desk. He worked away with obvious and rising frustration. FInally he spoke.
‘What’s wrong with your internet?”
“Nothing I know of.”
“It’s so slow….”
He said at home internet speeds we are accustomed to here would be completely unacceptable. A virtual snail’s pace. Who knew?
Over and over, they commented on how open helpful and engaged Canadians are.
“The people are interested in what you’re doing or have done here.”
The physical landscape just astounds them.
The distances. “1000 m to Vancouver! Impossible!”
Space and openness. We just take it for granted. To them the prairie is unspeakably huge, The mountain vistas go on and on. Without people.
They marvelled at our beaches and parks. Nobody trying to sell them anything, Just,clean and uncluttered.
They showed us our own land with a child’s clarity and unbridled honesty. The Dutch are like that – direct.
We felt a quiet pride – in our modest Canadian way. We were glad they’d come to reacquaint us with the magic of our own land. To startle us with their comparative observations. And to help us remember how much we love it…
On the other side, we recently had to avail ourselves of the “benefits” of medical tourism. Elaine’s hip rapidly deteriorated. We were told of wait times extending to 18 months for a replacement operation that was much less desirable than wanted. She wanted a Birmingham – resurfaced hip joint with much greater flexibility afterward. Answer here? You can’t.
Cut to Ghent, Belgium and Dr. DeSmet. “Can you come next week?” “No?” “How about December?” OK. Booked.
In the hospital – the public hospital in which the Dr. has bought operating times. The place was immaculate – like dazzling! The service quiet, well organized. I’ve spent time – lots – in the Foothills. It’s a dump compared to this.
No clutter. Bright. Nobody waiting for anything. Our only comparable is the new McCaig wing.
Now I’m not ungrateful for our health care system – far from it. But systemwise, our health care expenses are 10th per capita worldwide. Our rating on effectiveness is 30th. When I heard this I was staggered. What a delta! 30th? Couldn’t be…
So the point? We don’t get a clear view of what we’re immersed in. Can’t. One more reason for outside resources to bring new information and clarity to your world through Gazelles. Verne Harnish is a world scanning curator/ gatherer/ aggregator. He has lines in the water everywhere and brings the very best through Gazelles coaches like me.
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Tuesday, September 29, 2015
Hotel Blackfoot
5490 Blackfoot Trail, SE
Calgary, AB T2H 2B5
Doug Bouey
Catalyst Strategic Consultants Ltd.

What’s Our Business?
Doug Bouey, President
Catalyst Strategic Consultants Ltd.
Calgary, AB // Phone: 403.777.1144
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