Catalyst Strategic Consultants

How does your business need to grow?

Heading into the fall – same as last fall

PrintHeading into the fall – same as last fall
September will soon be upon us and the annual stupor of summer will be blown away by the sharper winds of fall.
And this year will be the same as last year – except, unusually for Albertans and those dependent on energy, our second year of living in the slump.
Energy prices have rebounded – and sagged. Projects are on the books. But nobody is spending any real money.
Last year was about toughing it out. This year is about serious recalibration. The landscape is not drastically changing. Can you afford to go into the future doing nothing but battening down the hatches. That’s pretty old news.
These days, our younger employees are too smart for the company that wants to do the 3 monkeys scenario – see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil. They want to know where the company is going – or they are… speaking to a young COO today, he was painfully aware of the damage done by non communicative reactive turtling companies trying to “wait it out”.
You need to keep you and your troops in line, up for the fight and clear on how you’re building a better enterprise coming out of this.
I’m an advocate for an Operating System for your company, a unified system affording resources from best practices for mid-market companies throughout the world that brings your outfit 3 very necessary elements and INSTALLS them to help your company run strong:

  • Alignment: everyone knows where the company is going and why that makes sense right now
  • Priorities: all are enrolled in building the elements required to come out of this flying a new flag
  • Accountability: each person knows what is expected of them and consequences/rewards for falling short/ achieving task and measurable completion

As you know, I am a certified Gazelles coach and we are pleased as Alberta Coaches to follow up our highly successful and well-attended spring workshop with an all day sneak peek in Calgary on Thursday, October 13th, 2016 at Fort Calgary.
People who use it [2000 worldwide enterprises so far and counting] really like that Gazelles implementation of the famed one page strategic plan and Rockefeller Habits installs the above three elements in their companies – and they keep on going with enhancing the system and using the depth of resources it brings to them.
So here’s your chance to hear it all in one day / one place. Register now:

Thursday, October 13th, 2016
Fort Calgary
750 – 9th Avenue SE, Calgary, AB T2P 2M5


need help registering – call Suzan Malysa at 403-827-8108 or email

Doug Bouey
Catalyst Strategic Consultants Ltd.

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What’s Our Business?

Bringing out the best in you, your company and your people.

Doug Bouey, President
Catalyst Strategic Consultants Ltd.

Calgary, AB // Phone: 403.777.1144


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