It’s never too late…
It’s a little late for Thanksgiving but never to be grateful for the good we enjoy. I got big lift: a message from a colleague and friend who expressed gratitude for the influence I had exerted on his career. Sparked the whole weekend!
I have lots to say thanks for!
Let’s start big.
I’m glad that my ancestors chose Canada – a safe and wholesome patrimony for us to be born into.
We enjoy a unique culture of freedom and consideration for others, of reconciliation and reasonableness coupled with full opportunity.
Hell, I’m glad I even knew my ancestors – all but one of my grandparents, my towering maternal grandpa who was one of the great patricians of Saskatoon and lived in the Bessborough Hotel at the end of his life. My paternal grandparents, salt of the Saskatchewan earth [sod house and all!], keeping home fires and values in Regina. My Dad who just enjoyed his 94th! So I’m happy for knowing our origins and being connected to our parents and grandparents.
I have two sisters who are stalwarts of the art of living and to whom I am intimately and fortunately connected.
Grateful to live in a wholesome city that works well, provides many outlets for fascinating biz and has many credits, not least, large public expanses set apart by generous visionaries for us to enjoy.
Exceptionally appreciative this year for our comprehensive health system which [despite detractors] over the past year has pulled me through a couple of big threats and delivered me safe on the other shore.
Blessed having 2 kids who are well launched with good partners, who have and use their skills and smarts to make an excellent living in the real world and, most importantly, still want to be close with us.
Lucky to have good friends who are kind and interesting and good companions. At a deeper level, to have great sustaining people who are deep and abiding intellectual and soul friends who continue to bless me with abundant support, provide beneficial impact and whet an appetite for learning with opportunities to explore and indulge.
I’ve been able to continue to visit the world’s most glorious destinations and to participate in what this world has to offer – India, Italy, France, England – enjoying the crowning flower of civilized life.
I’m grateful for relative security.
I’m fortunate that, over time, fitness has become deeply ingrained in me. It sustains in the tough patches.
I’m grateful to have made a superb partnership with Elaine and with her, a good home and family. We have formed a strong and loving team to face this quarter of life together.
For a season of color and grace as we slowly descend the stairs from summer to the closed in and cozy homes of winter.
And to have a chance to contribute to the effectiveness and growth of fine people making great biz.
What are you grateful for and to whom? Have you told them?
Doug Bouey
Catalyst Strategic Consultants Ltd.

What’s Our Business?
Doug Bouey, President
Catalyst Strategic Consultants Ltd.
Calgary, AB // Phone: 403.777.1144
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