Making Common Sense
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Tuesday, September 29, 2015
When I took my contact lens out the night before, I searched it to explain my eye irritation. Sure enough, there was a microtear on the margin.
Next day, walking in Sidney before boarding the ferry to Anacortes, I realized that this old fashioned main street had a wide variety of shops , so sought out a vision store.
“Could I get a replacement contact lens? I’ve just got a few minutes…”
“We don’t carry lenses here. We have to order them in and that takes several days. What sort of lenses do you wear?”
“Oasis – I know the prescription. It’s a 4.5.”
“Do you have your doctor’s prescription with you?”
“No” [under my breath as my exasperation climbed – “of course not!”]
“Well, we can’t do anything without …”
From a fresher quarter – “Excuse me, Kate, maybe we can..”
“You look after him, then!” Kate exits in a huff.
Helpful person: “We do have samples here and we could fit you with one to get you through…”
“That’s exactly what I would like, thanks!”
15 minutes later, I am on my way, $30 lighter and a whole lot happier.
Most biz leaders would love their people to use their good judgment and take this sort of step more often. Much of the time, however, we are training robots – to respond in process and on message.
The message here? If you want people to exhibit common sense, you have to begin ‘way upstream. Folks need to know the meaning, purpose, and values of the business – the whole enchilada. We call that the biz ideology in Gazelles.
Due process is ponderous, has no zip and certainly no flexibility. Do the same steps, say the same things every time- no exceptions. We actually don’t need people for that, we can program computers. And prospective consumers are already met with enough opaque websites and telephone interfaces.
People are at their most useful and valuable when they can size up situations, show initiative, make leaps, show empathy with what the customer is trying to achieve and take steps to close the gap between what you offer and what the customer wants. This is true in transactions large and small and makes all the difference in customer outcomes.
And in these testy economic times, we can’t afford to waste a single customer encounter.
Take a smart step to bring common sense and discipline to your business . Get into the Gazelles process. Become Resolved on your business ideology and let it catch fire in your business. Come for a great one day look see.
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Tuesday, September 29, 2015
Hotel Blackfoot
5490 Blackfoot Trail, SE
Calgary, AB T2H 2B5
Doug Bouey
Catalyst Strategic Consultants Ltd.

What’s Our Business?
Doug Bouey, President
Catalyst Strategic Consultants Ltd.
Calgary, AB // Phone: 403.777.1144
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