Resolved: on course in rough seas
“When I find myself in time of troubles, Mother Mary comforts me…” Well, the Beatles may think so, but…
Many presidents confronted with trying to find a way through this acute petroleum market deceleration are at sea – in a storm, navigating without a compass. Of course, they can’t appear that way. Got to look determined, in charge…
Buffeted this way and that – by the latest news and impinging opinion, they are not real sure which way to turn. Every move seems fraught with risk. That external facade is more testing to maintain…
Some folks outside the resource world are unaffected – just sailing along, dealing with the flip side issues of guiding growth.
The hard part is not so much figuring out which way to go, it’s just coming to a resolution, a tack, and organizing the enterprise to follow that direction.
If on the “troubled” front – Cutting contractors – “easy” – relatively. Reinventing biz model to adapt to brand new world order? Difficult.
Cut staff to the bone – drastically, now? How – and how deep? Do you favor all your old hands? Or can you pick up some of the game-breakers that are suddenly available in the market? So should I try to hang onto my human capital? How can I pay them?
It won’t work to see-saw on that one indefinitely. How can we maintain our capability while surviving?
Projecting cash. Can we really be this busy now and have such dismal prospects in the fall?
These and many other dilemmas haunt waking [and night] hours, making life uncertain, problematic. And travelling on the high road of growth, no less difficult, just a bit more comfortable in the bank account…
There is nothing like reaching resolution. RESOLVED. We’ve chosen a course and we’re getting on with it, whatever the consequences. And not doing that in bits and pieces but comprehensively.
My revered mentor Walt Sutton speaks of “the backpack” that every entrepreneurial leader saddles up with on arising every day. In good times, carrying it is light work. In these times, heavy.
Wouldn’t it be great to share the burden? And engage core staff around the chosen plan at the same time? Reaching Resolution and moving on – that’s why it’s life saving – working in the world-class Gazelles framework.
It makes a difference. Teams actually want to help, to contribute. They want to participate, to shoulder part of the load. To be involved. They are looking for a way, just as you are, a way forward.
What is strategic planning? Harry Dennis used to characterize it as “a path chosen, a direction taken”. He could have added the most potent word. TOGETHER.
GAZELLES brings the strongest tested approach to choosing that direction and getting on with it. TOGETHER. RESOLVED. In a disciplined accountable system that is surprisingly easy to adopt and install. Not a one shot silver bullet but more like a new operating system for the computer that is your company. One that dramatically increases your velocity and capability. One that is reliable In all weathers, and proven to open doors to growth.
My Alberta Gazelles colleagues and I are opening an easy door into the world of Gazelles on September 29 in Calgary. This whole day, at an attractive price point is a simple investment – exposure to the best tools for steering mid-market enterprise through rough waters to future prosperity – together.
Spread the burden – and bring willing hands into play. Under one flag: RESOLVED.
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Tuesday, September 29, 2015
Hotel Blackfoot
5490 Blackfoot Trail, SE
Calgary, AB T2H 2B5
Doug Bouey
Catalyst Strategic Consultants Ltd.

What’s Our Business?
Doug Bouey, President
Catalyst Strategic Consultants Ltd.
Calgary, AB // Phone: 403.777.1144
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