Tourmaline Oil Corp
One of the great stories in the middle of the mess of the Calgary resources puzzle is Tourmaline.
Tourmaline is one of three [count ’em – three] gas oriented companies that could produce gas for less than the current price for the commodity.
Yes, you read that right. For all the companies directed at creating return for shareholders out of the Western basin gas morass, this is one of three that has solved for the conundrum. Not for forever, but at least for now – one of the worst we’ve seen.
Gas prices have never been great, but Calgary has made a living from playing the natgas field: Speculators have not tired of getting on and off that horse.
Tourmaline is piloted by Mike Rose, who as with most success stories, has gone to this well before. Best guide = experience and success. Why does he keep on? He’s got enough to keep wolves from the door. That kind of motivation is worth looking for…
So now he’s navigating many polarities: task and people, head and heart, big picture and detail, present and future. It requires supporting and requiring people to change, which can be uncomfortable and anxiety-producing. And their future depends on gunning on through – despite disappointment and momentary success. It’s up and down – short term reward folks need not apply. It’s all difficult!
That share price: drastically up then down then up with the fashions of the market. Tourmaline: steady up, most of the time, barring the catastrophic downturns. So that’s the assessment of their effort.
Two destinations for Tourmaline: up and out = purchase by an envious giant? Or to morph into a giant themselves.
Either one will be a big win. But the way there is that they’ve solved that conundrum: staying vibrant in the present and growing to a future. Takes both discipline and vision.
Doug Bouey
Catalyst Strategic Consultants Ltd.

What’s Our Business?
Doug Bouey, President
Catalyst Strategic Consultants Ltd.
Calgary, AB // Phone: 403.777.1144
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