A Masterpiece of Branding
Geoffrey Moore [he of “Escape Velocity” again] says there are two architectures of biz. The volume model – a standardized product or service to many and the custom mode – the specially tailored offering to a few. And he is clear on this, branding is for the former, much less relevant to the latter.
Well, window washing can hardly be termed a tailored, customized offering.
Elaine told me the windows were going to be cleaned on Thursday. I noted that in the usual domestic flow. The morning rolled around and, as we were reading our papers and getting caffeinated, she sang out, “There they are! The Men in Kilts!”
Well, I never.
Out of a pickup step two dudes, one Asian and one German, both swathed in knee length plaid and sporting black T shirts. They proceed to unload their buckets and ladders, bantering back and forth while the neighborhood starts to cotton on. Slowly the folks emerge from their summer hideouts, shuffling and scratching in the morning sun, wondering what the hell was up.
We were an event! Just to get our windows washed!
These guys have the essence of branding nailed. Come up with an indelible association: a provocative image that stands out from the normal course of life and tie it to your product or service. People talk about branding and produce pablum – baby food. Tasteless, odorless, bland. Inoffensiveness seems to guide some branding efforts, But they don’t make a lasting impression. That surely is the core intended impact of branding,
Kilts – apparently the Vancouver based owner is a Scot and took this biz over from “Window Washers”. Reminds me of Spike Milligan’s response to the standard query: “Is anything worn under the kilt?” “Nay, lass, it’s all in perfect working order…”
Oh, and the T shirt? It says “No Peeking”.
Doug Bouey
Catalyst Strategic Consultants Ltd.

What’s Our Business?
Doug Bouey, President
Catalyst Strategic Consultants Ltd.
Calgary, AB // Phone: 403.777.1144
Email: boueyd@catalyststrategic.com