A Window onto Your Year
A Window on Your Year
Now that we’re rolling with 2013, you might want to have a look at it.
In our high voltage TEC group, we start with a retreat and the centre piece of that are the Boards.
They’re simple to make. All you need is an 2 1/2 by 3 1/2 or so artist board of colored paper [Dollar Store], felt pens and a pack of post-its.
Next is to sit and let yourself roll forward through the coming year. Ask yourself a few questions and answer them. Put down the answers one per post it in large letters using the felt pen.
Here are a few to get you going:
– What are some of the major things you’ve already booked [ you want to anticipate these]
– What are some projects that would be gratifying to complete you’ve been putting off…
– Where do you want to go this year to improve yourself? In any of these you can use categories: Work/ Physical/ Family/ Couple/ Recreation/ Learning
– What are some nagging problems it would be better to deal with?
– New interests I’ve been wanting to explore and have been holding back?
– Holidays that would be meaningful
– Around the house….
You get the picture. If you want more questions, send me a note and I’ll send you a bunch of provocative questions to shuffle through.
After an hour with a coffee, you’ll have lots of post its if you let your mind run free.
You can see from the picture how to set it up. Just pop the post its onto the Board. Categories to divide it up are not a bad notion. Work / Leisure/ Learning/ Family make good quadrants.
Now put it up somewhere you’ll see it. It’s like a windshield of the vehicle of you, looking forward. Or maybe a prospective map.
Anyway, it’s potent, in an innocent way. People who do them get s*** done!
For a couple of years in a row, I had “Pilgrimage” on mine. At a retreat, one of our members wanted to know what that was. I relayed the story of reading “The Pilgrimage” by Paulo Ceolho. He said, “I’d do that!” So we did – 150 kms in Northern Spain. It was life changing.
All due to an innocent post it note on a colored Board….
Doug Bouey
Catalyst Strategic Consultants Ltd.

What’s Our Business?
Doug Bouey, President
Catalyst Strategic Consultants Ltd.
Calgary, AB // Phone: 403.777.1144
Email: boueyd@catalyststrategic.com