Camino Blog 11 – 21 Rules for the Camino
1. If you’re going to cycle, have a proper biking outfit
2. If you’re walking wrong and it hurts, walk different
3. Walk at your own pace
4. Keep a sense of humour
5. The Camino provides, it always provides
6. Order what you order and you get what you get
7. Taxis can be your friend
8. Warn pedestrian peregrinos with a bell if you approach from behind on your bike
9. Air your feet out and take off your boots at lunch
10. Vaseline, compeed
11. Take stones out the minute you sense them in your feet
12. Drink lots of water
13. Vino blanco at 10:30
14. Get up early – really early – Cafe con leche at an early open bar after you’ve put in your first few kilometres
15. Beer when you finish for the day
16. In the albergues:
1. Eyeshades and earplugs
2. Take the bottom bunk
3. Don’t sleep near the bathroom
17. Speak a bit of Spanish – cerveza, vino, banos,
18. Buy stamps whenever you run into place that’s open and postcards
19. Schlep the big bag ahead stage by stage by Jacotrans
20. Drugs – 600 mg ibuprofen at farmacia, volteforte cream for muscle hurts [not available back home]. Use them – liberally and often.
21. Stop and Look back at the way you’ve come – from time to time. It’s a one way trip.
22. Slow down – you’ll only get to the cathedral

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Catalyst Strategic Consultants Ltd.
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