Drifting, Fighting the Current or River Running?
A Harris Interactive/FranklinCovey poll showed 37 percent of employees didn’t understand their companies’ priorities. Only one in five was enthusiastic about their organization’s goals, and only one in five saw a clear connection between their tasks and their organization’s goals
River rafting is really some kind of fun. Friends who have gone down the Colorado or run the Nahanni rave about the exultation, the union with the elements and the strangely peaceful time to think in the midst of an exciting challenge.
A few certainties make the trip less gut-grinding and much more fun:
- You’re under stewardship: a guide who has been here before steers the process
- The vessel has been tested and is fully equal to the demands of the rapids
- The “crew” – of which you’re a part – has been well briefed, knows what to expect and is ready to deal with what might happen [like the dreaded man overboard – or, as the guides term it – “out of boat experience”
- There is a clear plan: destination, timing of stages and logistics have been worked out before the voyage commences – not when the need is encountered. Otherwise you truly are drifting…
- “Comfort ” [such as it is] is assured by the quality of the company putting up the tour. Been there before and know the ropes
It all contributes to a safe transit in risky water – and that contributes to the adrenalin rush and sense of accomplishment at arrival.
Well, we’re certainly in rough waters in Alberta now. And there are a whole bunch of enterprises that are up against risk. Navigation is exceptionally challenging. Demoralized employees wondering when the axe is going to fall. Believe me, flailing around with an axe on a rubber raft in rapids is not recommended!
Now more than ever, mid-market organizations need to pull together, under a strong shared plan that realistically assesses the context and stakes out direction, with clear coordination and communication supplied through a strong framework, guided by a clear sighted guide who has been here before.
The ground-breaking Gazelles framework provides just that. Verne Harnish has published Scaling Up and we Gazelles Alberta coaches are giving our 4th “Under the Tent” day of Gazelles in Edmonton April 28, 2016 at the Radisson Edmonton [east].
We’ve had great response – companies often bring their executive team to all get on the same page quick together. Registrations are strong, but there’s still room…
Opportunity lurks in the rapids. It’s always in the turbulence that market shifts take place – not in the smoothly rising tide of a buoyant economy. Don’t be among those who trying fruitlessly to go against the current – attempting to recover when it’s already too late. Board the boat confidently and enjoy the ride!
Doug Bouey
Catalyst Strategic Consultants Ltd.

What’s Our Business?
Doug Bouey, President
Catalyst Strategic Consultants Ltd.
Calgary, AB // Phone: 403.777.1144
Email: boueyd@catalyststrategic.com
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