From the Heart of the World…
From the Heart of the World
A treasure – nothing less.
Your beat ups a tic as you approach the city. So long in anticipation – on almost every bucket list – even if they don’t know it. Until it becomes a real and proximate possibility. Could I go there? See that? I’m on.
And there’s a whole world’s worth of people beaming in on the same frequency. From Hungary, Paris, Thailand, South Africa, Brazil and, yes, Canada and the US: they’re slowly coming in like jets to Atlanta.
Once on the ground, the buzz intensifies. Walking through the perimeter, where it is every bit a post war Euro town – straight streets and seven story apartments. Then as you stride along all that dissolves into the chaos of a medieval centre of narrow alleys full of touristic shops overhung by open shutters with occasional peeks at the reason for it all. The beat accelerates.
And when you finally break into the Piazza, the polyglot bursts and it all comes together. Now you and every other pilgrim know why you had to get here, why you had to see this – if you could. This is one of epicenters of world cultural remembrance, like the pyramids, like Angkor Wat.
Brunelleschi’s Dome in the heart of Florence is a miracuolo landed. It shocks the heart to life: it so transcends the surrounding neighborhood. No video, no movie, no media could prepare you or he convergence of peoples of the globe who come to venerate Firenze. Asians, Americans, Australians, students, the wealthy, portly folks, tour boats and bus loads. It is the great leveller.
All there to inhale this magnificent cathedral complex all clad in white – I mean every inch clad – in white and jade and pale crimson marble. One of the wonders of our world – here, now, for you and for me. It just leaps up and claws your eyeballs out. You will never see its equal.
Somehow the people of Florence seem, even after all these throngs and all these years, to allow everyone their moment of awe.
No wonder these legions are drawn like moths to flame – the flame of great works. There are more here, tucked away in the Accademia and the Uffizi and elsewhere. Or just to be had for the walking around.
Nothing can get you ready for the quality and impact of the experience. You just have to take it. Like eating gruel for a month and then suddenly – a banquet!
At the centre, Brunelleschi crowns the queen. Tides of humanity of all stripes vie for their instant: a photo opp in front of the Ghiberti doors on the Baptistry. Trails of supplicants trudge up the 414 stairs to crest the campanile. Others quest between the twin walls of the Duomo to view from the balcony just under the top cupola.
Is this small city at risk of being over loved?
In the midst of the flow, a Bhuddist Monk, all redolent in orange, captures the facade on his Ipad.
Tomorrow, we see David!
Doug Bouey
Catalyst Strategic Consultants Ltd.

What’s Our Business?
Doug Bouey, President
Catalyst Strategic Consultants Ltd.
Calgary, AB // Phone: 403.777.1144