Gazelles: Sure Guide to Growing Your Company
I’ve been exposed to this incredible approach…
Just got back from being trained in something so fresh and potent for growth companies, I’m on fire to show it to you.
Save the date: September 18, 2014.
Many of you know I have made it my business to find the avenues of help for my mid-size clients that had the real penetration, the high lift factor that takes them beyond the “fad of the month” or the one-idea cloaked in a book. I’ve accumulated a stack of them and put them on the road all the time with clients to their great benefit. I bring so much with me whenever I get involved with a new approach.
Encountering Gazelles for the first time, what I heard was the famous One Page Strategic Plan, of Verne Harnish. I became more intrigued as I met the full extent of the approach. Adding my dimension as catalyst, coach and resource to the package makes for an awesome mix. Now I’m looking for a few good companies – committed to growth – where we can put this combination to work and realize the promise of Gazelles:
- 3 X profits vs industry standard
- 2 X Cash flow
- 80% reduction in owner and sr. management time
- everyone aligned and on the same page
Here’s a comprehensive, organized and battle tested method for bringing medium sized biz out of the pack.
What we are [only] interested in – actionable, practical, implementable solutions to the perplexing puzzle of assured growth. Companies want to GET THERE, not feel stuck cycling various ideas piecemeal from whatever guru comes along. And this is the vehicle. It’s that simple. Gazelles breaks the spell and puts the show on the road.
4 Decisions in 4 domains the rising company must get right. Cash, People, Strategy, Execution.
Cash – fuel for your flight. There is undiscovered cash in your business that could be put to better use than being tied up. There is wisdom yet to be available for much more intelligent guidance from your numbers than is presently being gleaned.
People – what accelerating business is not panting for good people? Yours? Would you enthusiastically rehire the people now with you? Coming down to cases and building the tested means to assure an ever better team could not be more important.
Strategy – top line growth – how do you build it so you grow reliably at 15% – 20% or more? Can you state your firm’s strategy in a sentence? Gazelles outrun the lions when they gain this confidence.
Execution – Are you confidently hitting your revenue and profit targets in consecutive periods? Profit is what you keep after you finish all you do for your customers. It is essential for growth – so doing all the work and not gaining what you’re in it for doesn’t make sense. 10% is the new break even. Reliable execution is what gives you return. And the essence of Gazelles is building accountability so that your profit cycle can be strong and relentlessly repeated.
A comprehensive and orchestrated symphony of best practices moving right into accountable action, not high centered on the back road of theory. And brought into your company by a seasoned resource – me!
I found familiarity with many of the included elements in Gazelles. So I found it coupled well with my extensive base. Core Values, Core Purpose, Lencioni’s Teamwork pyramid – these I know like the back of my hand. What surprised me was how much more there was. And how fast we work. This is an accelerated program for accelerating companies – but only companies who are willing to sign up for real change. If you are into dabbling, this is not the work for you.
We have booked a one day workshop with all 5 Alberta Gazelles Coaches for September 18, 2014. This is a steller chance to get an overview of the whole method – from me and others who are the best in the corporate growth business. You will bring your sr. team and walk away inspired.
Call me now to talk about this startling uptick in getting your show on the road. Don’t wait.
Doug Bouey
Catalyst Strategic Consultants Ltd.

What’s Our Business?
Doug Bouey, President
Catalyst Strategic Consultants Ltd.
Calgary, AB // Phone: 403.777.1144
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