Girding for Fall
Fall is upon us…
Girding for fall
Coming back from summer always seems like an uphill climb. Suddenly all those structured commitments and performance obligations become real again after disappearing into the phastasm of summer.
I’m not sure if we get to a more evolved state of mind during the warmer months, but it certainly feels more relaxed. Then back to real world where it really does matter and deadlines are a firm reality.
Getting back into harness and hitting stride is the work of the two weeks just passed, then folks get serious about what they’re going to engage in this fall. And looking forward, thinking about what would yield the greatest benefit for effort expended.
As the leaves turn yellow, time to scan for new sources of advantage, value and personal reward.
Will I be engaged in a high octane plan to elevate my game? Will I sign on for new activities that mean commitment from now til December or maybe even April – promising convivial companions, maybe even competition, but perhaps personal well-being?
On the work front, intention forms up behind going after new deals, getting the team and systems in line and sorting out persistent messes. Signups abound for everything from memberships to classes. It’s a good energy, because what you commit to now gives your edge and growth satisfaction by spring.
As leaves tumble, resolutions are made. Question for you. By Halowe’en what do you want to be underway with? How will those new setups bring lasting change for the better in your world?
My friend Al Cameron calls this – September 15 – December 15 – “The 90 Days of Business”. The die is cast now and the benefits will flow later.
This fall in the resource west, we’re looking still down a tunnel – and neither train nor light is at the other end. Most of the serious immediate adjustments have been made. But now it’s time to calibrate to this – seemingly more permanent – reality. The prospect of a major jump in petroleum prices – and the attendant change in the tide that raises all ships – seems remote although that can’t, and won’t remain true indefinitely.
So buckling organizations down to a re-scaled version is a key now. And there are advantages and openings out there but not necessarily where we used to look for them. New paths must be forged to new opportunities and adjacencies explored. Processes [and pencils!] need to be sharper for the electric competitive environment we now experience.
But I’m not telling you anything you don’t know. The issue is, are you coming to come out of the bunker and take on a new practical and conceptual boost to power you to prosperity…
One option is the famed One Page Strategic Plan and Rockefeller Habits. Our next Alberta Gazelles one day introduction is on Thursday, October 13, 2016. That session provides a great overview of the methodology and loads of tools for growth companies, so to register just hit the link below:
People really like this approach – many are active and successful users. It really works. Join us. And bring your team.
Doug Bouey
Catalyst Strategic Consultants Ltd.

What’s Our Business?
Doug Bouey, President
Catalyst Strategic Consultants Ltd.
Calgary, AB // Phone: 403.777.1144
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