Go Back 5 to Jump Ahead
Were you stronger, sharper 5 years ago. Were you lighter, tighter?
With the New Year comes one of the two annual times for reform. Being the resolute beings we are, humans shake off the indulgence of the holidays and gird for battle with – themselves – to make all right in the coming year.
But what to zero in on? Lose weight? Be More Productive? Learn a New Skill? Exercise More?
And the fads pour in. Vitamins. Technology solutions. This is good for you. This isn’t.
Well, my bet is five years ago you were onto some pretty strong practices that had huge tonic effect. I’ll bet you were in better shape. My observant friend Pat O’Connor says: but for the books you read and the people you meet, you’ll be the same next month as you are now.
But there’s another reason to roll back 5. And it’s not that you should commit to what you were doing then.
It’s this. You believed in yourself more then. And belief that you can has everything to do with whether you will.
Erosion of your chutzpah goes with age and the deteriorative effect of experience. In other words, you’ve seen too much, had too many disappointments. An incredible limiting force is this: “Well, I’ll never try that again.” While it may no longer be smart to jump off ridges after you broke your leg skiing, generalizing to quit skiing doesn’t serve you at all. Following this logic, if deterred by every negative aspect, eventually I will try nothing.
And you see this result with some older folks [not the Space and Grace crowd I’m writing my forthcoming book about]. They’ve retreated into an ever reducing circle of familiar safe activities until their lives become entirely predictable and – boring.
Getting back 5: Why?
Gary turned me onto a new book, well, new to me: Your Best Year Yet by Jinni Ditzler. Her yearly goal setting and planning mechanism is strong and worthwhile. One of her ten questions concerns your belief in yourself.
New and limiting beliefs conferred by experience creep into, and reduce, your scope. So she goes right at it and gives you tools to confront them before they cut into your life.
So…. if you haven’t set a plan for the year, you might have a look at her work. Less than $10 on Kindle: http://www.amazon.ca/Your-Best-Questions-Change-Forever-ebook/dp/B005DA7C6M/ref=sr_1_1_twi_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1421512350&sr=1-1&keywords=your+best+year+yet
In our magnificent and potent TEC 217 group, and in our family we do yearly goals, writing them down on stickies. Daughter Jane said, “I haven’t looked at them more than a couple of times this past year, but it’s amazing how many I completed!”
Don’t miss this clear chance to alter course. As Ditzler says: “Don’t become a passenger in your life.”
Doug Bouey
Catalyst Strategic Consultants Ltd.

What’s Our Business?
Doug Bouey, President
Catalyst Strategic Consultants Ltd.
Calgary, AB // Phone: 403.777.1144
Email: boueyd@catalyststrategic.com
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